Control rooms for factories, IT rooms, education and research centres, data centres, etc. Multiple electronic displays are usually present, and large sized display area visible from all locations within the space. Some control rooms are themselves under continuous video surveillance and recording, for security and personnel accountability purposes. Many control rooms are manned on a "24/7/365" basis, and may have multiple people on duty at all times (such as implementation of a "two-man rule"), to ensure continuous vigilance.

Scenario of managing multiple screens from a single system

Other special-purpose control room spaces may be temporarily set up for special projects (such as an oceanographic exploration mission), and closed or dismantled once the project is concluded.

Product Offer
Digital Signage Displays
LCD Video Walls
LED Video Walls
CMS Partners
Digital Signage Displays

 Vestel answers the needs and expectation of the market by offering different options and strong display performance with its new generation digital signage displays. 

LCD Video Walls

 Vestel offers a powerful visual experience throughout that assembled large screen and illustrate video content smoothly. 

LED Video Walls

 Vestel creates exclusive visual experience with its innovative line and advanced video performance, premium design details besides endless wall experience. 

CMS Partners
